Cookie Order Form
** Please be aware that filling out an order form does not guarantee your order has been placed. I will do my best to read your inquiry and let you know if I can book your order as soon as I can. If it does not appear that I have messaged you, please check your junk folder.
Orders start at $50 per dozen.
Fill out the order form to the best of your ability. This will give me a better picture of what you’re looking for in order to quote you appropriately. If you have photo inspiration, it can be sent separately after you fill out your form to
Please try to order well ahead of your celebration date. I am a full time special education teacher and take very limited orders during the school year. The sooner you fill out the form, the more likely I will be available to accept your order. Orders made within a week of the pick up date will be subject to a 20% rush fee.
Allowing creative freedom is always appreciated. I do not enjoy copying other cookier’s work and will always try to put my own spin on designs.
Payment can be made via cash, PayPal, or Venmo. I do NOT accept checks.